We are the independent wine company which work tirelessly at bringing fabulous wines to our markets and consumers. Environmental and sustainability matters are very important to us. Anywhere possible, it is here we put focus when we bring new products to the market. Regardless of what wine or where it comes from we aim at making it as environmentally friendly as possible before it reaches the final consumer.
Bevsmart Ltd. and its Independent Beverage Services™ are the result of decades of gathered expertise from the traditional importers field in the Nordics. A wine importing company was built by the founders in 2002 and successfully sold in 2013. Even though the former venture was prosperous, it left room for the interest to build a new venture with sustainability matters in mind in the beverage importing field – a company with fully purpose designed ways of operating in the new business environment which has emerged during the last years.
Due to the vast amount of collected expertise, at Bevsmart we know that the consumer of today is becoming all the more aware and demanding when it comes to sustainability and environmental matters. The wine world has changed a lot since our journey started almost 20 years ago. We think development and adaptation to the environment is key to be successful in the wine market of today.
We would love you to send us a message if you too are passionate about wine and environmental matters.
Want to know more?
Contact us for a personal presentation.

Bevsmart Ltd.
Puistokatu 18 LH 1A
20100 Turku
Info (@) bevsmart.fi
+358 50 5121 462